Process Control & Monitoring (PC&MSM) System

U.S. Water’s proprietary PC&M system offers a streamlined and effective approach to data collection and monitoring for water and wastewater treatment facilities.

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Benefits of PC&M

The U.S. Water PC&M system redefines operational excellence by seamlessly integrating advanced technology with unparalleled human expertise. Included as a fundamental component of our O&M services, PC&M serves as a digital hub, revolutionizing the way treatment plants are operated and monitored. With a focus on optimizing operations and reducing costs, PC&M was designed by treatment plant operators to offer a comprehensive suite of robust user-friendly features that are tailored to individual plant specifics and customer needs. Key benefits include:

Remote Data Entry

Effective Reporting

Enhanced Trend Analysis

Operational Cost Reductions

Institutionalized Plant Operations

Key Features

From customizable tools for tailored site management to continuous technical support and operational status through text alerts and email reports, PC&M optimizes processes, improves equipment reliability, maximizes cost savings, and ensures regulatory compliance. By entrusting U.S. Water with plant operations, clients have complimentary access to a digital ecosystem driven by actual intelligence, where cutting-edge technology meets human expertise to deliver unparalleled results in operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Key features include:

24/7 Availability

With around the clock access and daily emails that deliver customizable critical monitoring reports, you’ll stay informed of treatment performance in the office and on the go.

Alert Notifications

Receive text alerts when parameters exceed preset tolerances leading to informed decision-making and swift corrective action.

Broad Portfolio Picture

Enterprise reporting consolidates and aggregates data from all of your plants giving you a broad view of operations across your entire plant portfolio

Knowledge Sharing

Better than easily misplaced emails, plant specific discussion forums streamline communication and promote knowledge sharing with threads that are organized and stored for posterity with other site information.

Performance Tracking

Gain operational insights through actionable key performance indicators, historical trends, and ad hoc charting. Quickly assess facility health with visual cues that compare current values to preset acceptable ranges.

Instant Access

Every team member can easily retrieve essential plant files, including O&M eManuals, safety documentation, and standard operating procedures from a centralized document repository.

Single Source

Bidirectional integration turns PC&M into data hub for tools. It provides maintenance work order status, links to current Safety Data Sheets, and pushes equipment runtimes to our CMMS, triggering preventative maintenance events.

PC&M Detect!

PC&M Detect! provides continuous monitoring, visual diagnostics, and historical playback for secure, efficient, and sustainable plant operations, with remote live video, security alerts, and visual hazard inspection.

PC&M Connect!

PC&M Connect! is a secure, small form factor data appliance that easily imports data from your plant network into our digital communication and reporting hub.


The PC&M application programming interface (API) lets you integrate PC&M data into your internal systems or custom programmed applications.

Project Highlights

Process Optimization For Waste Industry Client

U.S. Water's use of PC&M led to substantial cost reductions in treatment processes for a client in the Waste industry. Treatment costs per gallon of treated leachate decreased by 74%, from $0.38 to just $0.10.

Facility Turnaround Leads to Cost Reductions

PC&M played a key role in revamping a poorly performing treatment facility. By identifying and monitoring operational costs, treatment expenses dropped from $0.08/gallon to $0.05/gallon or less, ensuring cost predictability for the client's future budgeting.

Optimizing an Undersized Facility

PC&M improved operations for an undersized treatment facility struggling with excessive sludge hauling costs due to overcapacity. Treatment costs were significantly reduced from $0.10 to only $0.03 per gallon, resulting in annual savings exceeding $500,000.

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