A Historic Community Gets Central Water and Sewer Services

In 2024, the historic American Beach in Nassau County, Florida, received central water and sewer services for the first time. U.S. Water is proud to have been part of this significant project, bringing essential infrastructure to a community with a rich history and a long wait for modern amenities.

American Beach, located on Amelia Island, was established in the 1930s by A.L. Lewis, Florida’s first Black millionaire, as a haven where African Americans could enjoy the beach without discrimination. It thrived for years as a cultural hub and vacation destination for notable figures like Cab Calloway and Zora Neale Hurston. However, Hurricane Dora in 1964 and subsequent changes led to its decline as a tourist spot, leaving the community to grapple with outdated infrastructure and health concerns from old septic systems.

The challenge of bringing central water and sewer to American Beach was monumental. Initial cost estimates were prohibitive, and the community’s dirt and shell roads presented unique difficulties. The Florida Governmental Utility Authority (FGUA) and Nassau County officials explored every avenue to fund the project. A pivotal change in 2016 allowed access to State Revolving Fund loans, opening doors to new possibilities.

U.S. Water Services Corporation provided highly competitive pricing, enabling the project to move forward. U.S. Water was awarded the project, which included installing a new gravity sewer collection system with lift stations and new water infrastructure for the community.

Through persistent efforts, FGUA secured nearly $15 million in grants and forgivable loans, significantly reducing the financial burden on residents. Community engagement was critical, with the American Beach Water and Sewer Advisory Board ensuring that residents’ voices guided the project. Environmental considerations, such as relocating protected species like gopher tortoises, were managed to safeguard the area’s natural beauty.

The project involved installing a new gravity sewer system and potable water main within the American Beach community. This included laying more than 12,000 linear feet of 8” PVC gravity sewer pipe and more than 12,000 linear feet of potable water main, along with the construction of two new lift stations and the installation of sewer service laterals and fire hydrants. The work involved open-cut installation in roadways, with the placement of manholes and necessary corrosion protection coatings. Additionally, the project required the resurfacing of roadways upon completion. All work complied with FDEP State Revolving Fund agreements and applicable permits, ensuring both environmental protection and infrastructure improvement in the community.

The completion of this project in June 2024 marked a new chapter for American Beach. Residents now enjoy improved public health, better fire protection, and the promise of preserving their community’s unique character. As of today, more than 80 residents are now using the new water system with more being added. U.S. Water is honored to contribute to such an impactful project, showcasing how modern infrastructure can honor and uplift historic communities.